
Welcome to Stories, a place to explore—and be inspired by—the wonder of our natural and cultural worlds.

Woolly Rhino Fossil with Xiaoming Wang
Our researchers make exciting discoveries all over the world
#MindBlownLA Bill Deverell and NHM's Shining Star
Director at Huntington-USC, shares how the history of an iconic star blows his mind.
Our Expert on Birds
Dr. Allison Shultz, Assistant Curator of Ornithology, comments on an alarming study.
My Dinosaur Dig
Every year, NHM researchers (and sometimes, office folk like myself) make their way to an exclusive Utah dig site to unearth more and more dinosaur bones.
A Campus Trek, Wildlife Camera In Hand
Esperanza elementary school students learn about camera trap technology.
Students Name a Puma
As if working with Ice Age fossils at the La Brea Tar Pits wasn’t cool enough, the job comes with one pretty unforgettable perk.
Oceans Online
Digitization of collections unlocks climate clues.